my favorite game!
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a piece of art which introduced me to a video gaming industry when i was just a child 15+- years ago. This was my very first PC video game that i played (miniclip web browser games doesnt count). My cousin showed me this game when i was staying at his place and i cant be thankful enough for him for that. The best experience was the atmosphere of the game - the map designs, the music and soundtracks, the characters voiced over with real russian accents. Later, when i did find out that this game territory was based by real life existing place called chernobyl exclusion zone, and that the developers of this game actually took photos (no google map technologies back in the days) themselves of the whole place - i was amazed and i started to like this game EVEN MORE! And later i checked in the internet and some books about this real place and i was addicted to the real life accident and its story too. I was so addicted to read about it that i think i could be a tour guide now, i know really way too much than i should. And everything started with this game. So i should call it instead a game, but a masterpiece of art and a lifestyle. Cheeki breeki lifestyle (fans will understand it). I could call this game a cult game. Im not the only one like that who get addicted so much by it. Others even starts to live a stalker life in real life, even in the same mentioned exclusion zone too! So actually there are even bigger madmen than I! And this is the only game which took me in so hard and that it does connect between real life and video game universe so much. I was just amazed more and more when i was a child back then. The more i found out, the more i knew - the more amazed i was. Now im really glad that HBO released Chernobyl series in 2019 and im extremely happy that GSC devs are making Stalker 2 and it will soon be released!

Oh and by the way, the story was good in this stalker game, but it could have been even better. Especially in the other sequels, they should have kept more about Strelok fella. And it seems Stalker 2 wont have him as a main character again, but im just hoping that the story will be good and somehow connected to this first game, cmon even the title is similar (Heart of Chornobyl). And its strange that they used the russian version Chernobyl for the first game but now they obviously chose to go for an ukrainian one Chornobyl which is an original native name of the place.

I just wish that it will be posible for me to visit the real place one day. Always wanted, but never SADLY did :( At least i can visit the place virtually in Stalker games, which haves so many identical places in the game with a real life ones.
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