Statutory Laws need to be updated
18 January 2024
I have to disagree with the reviewer Sammy-2006 about a 15 year old and a 21 year old not being able to date.

First of all how can the law say that a 14 year old can be tried as an adult and even been sentenced to life in prison for committing murder, but too young to consent to sex with someone that is only 4 - 5 years older than they are. Makes no sense, consequences of committing murder vs having a sexual relationship.

I am a female over 40 and when I was 16 I routinely dated college students, because I did not see them as "men", just half-grown, and today, I still don't believe the college students are any more mature than high school students, probably because many are still dependent on their parents while either in college or entry-level jobs. I'm speaking specifically about young adults between 18 - 21.

Keep in mind that not all 15 year olders are at the same emotional level, some are more independent, responsible and self-sufficient, while others are very emotionally immature adolscents.

It's time for the laws to be updated that age 15 - 21 is within the range of consent. I do however believe that any 22 and older should in no way be dating anyone 5 years younger than they are.

But for society to continue to think that a 15 year old is a baby that somehow in 1 year at the age of 16 (in most states) they can consent to have sex with a 30 year old.
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