Review of EO

EO (2022)
Life of a donkey through a donkey
17 January 2024
How can you not like a donkey as the main character. It is impossible. You must like donkey. Everybody likes donkey. If the credits are correct, they actually 6 donkeys here to make this, all being cast as the same one tho. As much as i like donkeys I am no donkey expert and cannot vouch if there were in fact 6 actual donkeys swapped in and out throughout.

Right, this is a cheeky movie. It follows donkey as it gets moved around and it shows a lot of human events in the locations around donkey. The movie is a hybrid. We see some about the life of donkey and some about the people donkey meets. And then we see things that are not part of donkey's field of view at all, but are events that tie to said character the donkey has seen. It is not a movie that is limited to literally what the donkey can see. It is broader representation of life than that and there is some artistic license used to create certain situations and expand on them.

The style of the film is light, not dramatic not dark or really funny. It is quirky would be the best way to put it. I am not sure about the ending... not sure if i want to feel good about it or a little bummed out. Very ambiguous emotions they plant into you at the end. Regardless this is a good movie to watch because it is different.

7\10 see donkey like donkey.
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