A Few Facts
16 January 2024
With the Royal Nacy, the Royal Australian Navy, and the Japanese Navy having captured German's far eastern possession, the German Admiral in charge, Von Spee, decided to make a run for Germany. The Battle of Coronel occurred when his forces met those under Rear Admiral Sir Christpher Craddock. It was unexpected. Craddock's orders were to engage, so he did, even though the German fleet was vastly stronger. He suffered an overwhelming defeat, losing most of his fleet. However, the Germans had used more than half of their munitons. .

The conditions for the Battle of Falkland Islands was vastly different. Vice-Admiral Doveton Sturdee's forces were superior to von Spee, and took on coal at the Falklands just before the battle. His fleet could move at 25 knots; von Spee's only at 22.5; his guns were heavier and could outrange the Germans'. Curiously, it was his feuding with First Sea Lord John Fisher that got him command; Fisher wanted him out of his hair. This battle was as lopsided a British victory as Coronel had been a German one.

The camerawork is excellent, with many portrait shots of the personnel, and striking overhead views of the black gang. None of the actors are credited, although some of their names are known. Each of the ships is named, and the actual ship in the role is credited.
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