Review of The Curse

The Curse (2023– )
Neo horror or cringe comedy or whatever the hell you might call it, this was brilliant
13 January 2024
Well, i guess that was the curse.

Every single episode, this series has taken us on a journey where honestly, you didn't know what the hell was going to happen next. It tackled privilege, racial tensions, white guilt and shame, and it always made your skin crawl with secondhand embarrassment.

Well, with that last episode it just took such a left turn that i would honestly call this a neo horror. My heart was racing the entire time! All the season it has just been cranking up on the absurdity and this last one just delivered on all fronts.

I don't know what genre this was but honestly this was next level stuff. All tv shows should be as daring as this. What an absolute TRIP!
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