Self Reliance (2023)
Interesting Concept...
12 January 2024
"Self Reliance" was an very unexpected movie, I came over it randomly and decided to watch it, and for the low-budget and light production, I think this was a good movie! The low-budget was very noticeable, the plot and the humor depended mostly on the acting and dialogues, not on high budget scenographies and stunts. The script was good, and the story they offered was very confusing, yet entertaining and holding. You can't really understand why some random dudes made a reality show about hunting down a random man, but I guess that's what some people do. This film was unserious, but it was supposed to be like this, though. I think that was good that they had the great humor, but when the serious emotional parts came, I didn't took it too seriously, and I think they could have worked on that. Besides humor, they could mix other feelings, too. Our main character, Tommy, was introduced fastly and I got fast into his personality, that was very easy to understand, so we were getting straight into things and I felt really connected to him from the beginning, and that was a great thing, you know. I think the film was great at the action-suspense, but also showing that the "game" Tommy was playing wasn't only about survival, but to explore new parts of himself and create new relationships, and it was very clever. The story dragged out the clever moral straight throughout the whole film. The plot twists that came here and there were surprising. I wished that the end could be a little bit better, I think it was too chaotic, too much mess that could have been fixed. Besides that, I had a good time. As I mentioned, a very unexpected film, but for a one-time watch I think this was just fine.
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