Wrestlers (2023– )
Great show,cool wrestlers,horrible bosses.
12 January 2024
The fact that that weed has been decriminalized in over half the US and the other half have lightened up on it and wrestling is a sport EVERYONE knows is high in drug use why tf Snow acts like people smoking are junkies and it will " bring down our business " is sad. It's entertainment. We all know that means partying. That young lady obviously has been smoking the entire time she's been with that company. She's a great draw,great athlete. Cool chick. Snow freaking out acting she's going to ruin the company if people find out she's a drug user is funny af. Hey Snow lighten the f up.her smoking makes people like her more. Being a wrestler and Doing pills goes hand in hand. If you wouldn't have said a word on camera about dude getting busted in the parking lot,no one woulda known or Givin a f if we did. Your like that old guy who goes to church 4 times a week,has no sense of humor or personality. Thinks pot is like heroin and all drugs are evil and weed will kill you if you smoke. Chill out stop acting like your some CEO and treat your guys and girls like freaking wrestlers. Did Hacksaw and Shiek loose fans for doing coke weed and drinking together? Nope. Same with every other actor,musician or athlete who smokes weed or has been busted for drugs. Robert Downy Jr, Jonny Depp,Keith Richards,etc. Grow a pair bud,it's 2024. Mary Jane is legal. No one cares about pills.
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