Echo (2023–2024)
Old School Defenders / Daredevil Feel
12 January 2024
Echo returns to old school Marvel a la Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones. It veers away from the fun wish fulfillment snarktastic scripts of early Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor and Iron Man.

Instead, the series steeps itself in Choctaw heritage alongside the trauma of gang violence. It shows the flip side of what happens to the families of Kingpin's henchmen and what happens when they fall out of favor.

Maya Lopez is a rich character dealing with disabilities that aren't shown as hindrances. Alaqua Cox does an excellent job portraying all of her anger, sadness and empty rage. And they did a great job casting a child who looks like her younger doppelganger.

This is an also an excellent character study of Kingpin and his frustrated emotions in being abandoned by Maya who he views as his adopted daughter. Kudos to Vince for continuing to plumb the depths of that character.

Although I loved the past 20 years of fun wish fulfillment Marvel, as the MCU matures I like seeing it experiment with the gritty reality of earlier Marvel TV series.
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