The story is true. The movie is not
11 January 2024
Of course, the title I mentioned in the review doesn't mean the movie is bad. The entertainment of a horror movie is still there, JW's skills are still fully demonstrated. I just feel like it's a bit of a waste of source material, especially compared to part 1, where everything was worth noting as a perfect adaptation of a true horror story. The Amityville Horror at the beginning is of a higher quality than the main story, and it has little to do with the UK story. Valak's "move" from US to UK is not yet convincing. JW's horror tricks are still there, but equally important is that the authenticity of the story, also known as the beginning of paranormal stories, is not good. Everything is quite rushed and we immediately see scare scenes, sometimes these scenes are overused and unnecessary. There were even a few weird scenes that made me feel a bit funny instead of focusing on the fear. However, we should give praise to Madison Wolfe, at that age, there were actually a few scenes that depended entirely on her acting instead of CGI or special effects, and those were not easy scenes. Besides, the ending scene is effective in bringing drama, intensity and human messages, especially the main villain is quite interesting, even though it doesn't appear much.
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