These Thems (2019)
A complete joy to watch!
10 January 2024
From the clips I had seen on Instagram, I was afraid These Thems was going to feel "preachy" (and I'm the choir, fwiw). But I wanted to support it so I watched the first episode - and I was hooked immediately. It's funny, emotional, and relatable. There are scenes that explain pronouns, and the problems with "gender reveal" parties, but they're super funny and a natural part of the story. The characters are deep and wonderfully flawed, and I hope there will be a season two so I can keep watching them grow (also I want to be friends with them)!

I recommend this series to anyone and everyone. No matter how you identify or how familiar you are with queer culture, you will laugh, you will be entertained, you will feel seen, you will learn something (maybe even about yourself).
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