Review of Allelujah

Allelujah (2022)
There but serendipity go I
8 January 2024
The movie Allelujah is based on a play by Alan Bennett, as a fan of his I would love to be able to see an actual theatrical version.

The scenario of this is not altogether as, far fetched as some reviewers imagine, certainly the ending is frankly all too believable.

Medical Wards like that depicted have been, under economic threats for decades, immense pressure is applied on all staff to 'Economise'.

The head doctors and nurses are forced, to dance a tightrope between patient care, and alleged 'fiscal responsibity'.

This really encapsulates the severe, crises of the NHS and Welfare State, this has been a creeping cancer that increasingly threatens, to totally eviscerate these essential pillars of our society.

I know this is a movie review but it's essential to be truthful, despite the efforts of conservative opinion to denigrate anyone, who has the temerity to believe in a fair and equitable society.

What particularly comes home to me personally, is that at 75 I must count myself inordinately fortunate, not to be in the position of those poor souls in the ward. So many of my relatives have not been so lucky, I live with their memories each and every day.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and found the acting of all concerned, to be absolutely brilliant.

My hats off to what I consider to be truly superlative performances, by a veritable who's who of British acting.
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