You would get more stimulation from a black hole
8 January 2024
This movie manages to feel racist, boring, like nothing has happened and like everything has happened at the same time. You'll watch this and be surprised 20 minutes have passed and wonder what even happened in those 20 minutes. I don't believe this movie has an original thought in it, yet I've never seen anything like it. I don't believe they paid for any asset in this movie, it's the equivalent of shovelware but for movies. If this movie had a script writer, that person should be imprisoned and not allowed to touch pen to paper for as long as their blood line goes on. This movie has as much meaning and impact on the world as your thoughts and prayers would have on any tragedy. Spend your time doing literally anything else, better the world or just breath air, you'll have more of an impact and enjoy your time more then you would with this movie. When this movie gets released into public domain, the human consciousness will be negatively impacted, I hope the world doesn't have to experience that torture at all.
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