Doctor Who: World War Three (2005)
Season 1, Episode 5
This Story Didn't Need To Be Dragged Out for Two Episodes
7 January 2024
I really don't see why this particular story was two whole episodes. They could've cut it all down to one and saved me the pain of sitting through more of the Slitheen. Harriet also isn't all that likeable to me, she's too one dimensional and idealistic in a very annoying did high school model UN way. Yet again, the only good parts are Mickey and Rose's mom teaming up to defend themselves and help Rose. They carried the entire episode's emotional appeal on their backs and made the whole storyline more interesting (even though it wasn't still). Them standing there showing how hard the Doctor's travels are on them is a really important beginning of showing the consequences of being a companion. I think there's more interesting episodes like these, that involve the entire world, in future seasons that are done really well. If I remember correctly, Matt Smith has several of those.
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