An Indie Indie movie. Very colourful
7 January 2024
Well, I've never tripped. But this movie is what it sounds like.

First of all, I love bad movies, just to see how bad they are. And I love Indie movies. I have the greatest respect for people who DO things instead of talking big. And I love colourful movies in beautiful settings and I love costumes. And I love CGI, obviously, or how would there be "magic" in films!

Now, imagine al of that, turned on maximum and multiply it by 10.

Seriously. Even the scenery was filtered through CGI to make it sparkly and rainbow-like. Almost everything that moved had little magical sparks flowing with the movement. The unicorns had glowing LED lit horns!

Come to think of it, it should have had an epilepsy warning!

The costumes. Well. One wizard had little fairies sitting on the brim of his wizard hat. They didn't move, so either they were supposed to be fairy decorations (which is weird - like loving dogs so putting plastic dog toys all over your hat), or they were dead stuffed fairies, which is even wierder). My guess is that they were supposed to be alive, but the CGI guy's skill set didn't reach quite that far.

Largest laugh was at the main female lead character's consuming. Her elf ears kept changing until evidently they fell off and she had normal ears in the last couple scenes! Very obviously. So while it may have been a part of the story, they might have put in a line of dialogue about it. Easily done, as she had other human attributes (like the ability to become hugely pregnant) while still being an elf (evidently their chest doesn't get any bigger when they are with child.). Imagine an incredibly thin woman with no bosom whatsoever, with an exercise ball under her dress. Watching them try to kiss and look passionate at the end was the comedic element.

I can't really complain about the plot as it's supposed to be an Irish myth. The music was good. Slightly annoying to see the magic sparks flying out of lyres & flutes all the time. The scenery was beautiful.

The battle scene was fun to watch as it was SOOOOOO bad. There was more pushing & bumping each others shoulders than fighting. But it looked like they were having so much FUN doing it. How do you look like you are in mortal combat when you are having so much fun!

I've been trying so hard to figure out why so many people gave it a 10. My husband says it's sarcasm.

But I think it's admiration. People (including myself) admire the effort, the work, the spirit and the dedication of the people involved in the movie. Yes, it might be that a role-playing society said, "Let's make a movie of what we do!" But they DID IT. Then they found a CGI guy who practiced every single skill he could find in the books at every opportunity. (Hint: Less is more.)

The accents are very strange, too. I am very bad recognising accents, but they just didn't match. The female lead sounded a bit Greek or Turkish or Eastern European to me, the male lead was very Irish I think (I found him hard to understand at all), others sounded vaguely American.

It's an unusual film. Thats the best I can say about the film.

However, the people involved in it are extraordinary. It's clear they put their heart and souls into it. It is worth watching just to pay homage to their work.
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