Angel: Ground State (2002)
Season 4, Episode 2
My first impressions
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Really thought we were finally going to lose Charles Gunn for a sec there... :/ I still don't think he adds anything of value to this show, and he kind of drags the interest I had for Fred down as well.

Hope this new gal, Gwen, replaces Cordelia as Angel's love interest. Cordelia and Angel is a match that absolutely does not work for me in any way. Cordelia hasn't been a great character since she was back in Sunnydale, if you ask me; I am still waiting for her to prove herself in this show, because Angel falling in love with her does NOT feel earned at this point, and I'm beginning to doubt that it ever will.

Cordy can stay in heaven for all I care, and Gunn should have joined her. At least that would have given Fred a chance to finally do something other than be the nerd, exposition-spewer. We got a small glimpse of that in this episode, but imagine how much darker you could go with her if Gunn actually died there. I think that could really hit hard.

So, what did I like? Well, Wesley, first and foremost. I am loving his darker side and it is kind of the anchor of this season so far, and the last episodes of season 3, for me. Him saving Angel, but being almost apathetic about it, beacause the only reason he is doing it is because he knows Angel is needed. That's very cool. Also, keeping Justine captive in a sound-proof room, with nothing but a bucket to fill? I'm liking this Wesley.

I also really liked the way Angel handled the confrontation with Connor. Finally, we get to see this parenting-side of him, and not the making goo-goo-ga-sounds, and saying "Look at me, I'm Mr. Dad! :D" side.

So, still not keen on Cordy or Gunn, and I am getting very excited to see where this story takes Wesley. Angel himself is fine, but I hope he gets more agency this season, he felt kind of stale and did way too much cooing of that baby in last season.

I am going to assume all of my opinions here are controversial, but there you go.
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