Review of Taxi

Taxi (1997–1999)
A very engaging TV drama
5 January 2024
The story follows Krone Taxa a small family-led taxa company that is facing an increasingly challenging business environment, especially from its main competitor - City Bilerne.

The classic david vs goliath and bad big corporation trope is being told with a great cast of characters among the taxi drivers. This is the show that established Peter Gantzlers career as Taxa Mike a tough action-hero/taxi driver who is not afraid to get his hands dirty but is also a loyal friend and an overall charming guy. There are a lot of other great actors in this, but it would take me too long to mention all of them. I do have to mention the main villain "Herman fra City Bilerne" the CEO of the competing taxa company. Herman is a cold businessman who is deadset on taking control over Krone Taxa due to some mysterious past he has with the company. Whenever you see Herman he will present himself as a gallant businessman, usually offering help to some character. Eventually Herman will show his true face as a ruthless capitalist and his gifts will turn to poison. He reminds me in many ways of some sort of devil from fiction.

A great cast of characters is also accompanied by great writing. There are a lot of storylines throughout the show and you should be prepared for love triangles, recovering alcoholics, car chases, drugdebts, murdercases and incompetent policemen, just to mention a few. I will say that in some ways, there will be so many things going on in an episode that even if you don't like a particular storyline, you shouldn't worry too much cause there will be b and c plots in one episode to take your attention. Some storylines feel like they don't have a satisfying conclusion, some feel like they are completely forgotten a few episodes later. I suspect that the show might have been produced under a tight schedule, which may have caused some things to feel a little rushed.

With that said, I definitely recommend people to give it a try - if you are from Denmark, which I assume you are if you are looking this show up - you can find it for free on DR's service 'Bonanza'. The show is not in the ideal format and you might have to use an obscure browser app if you want to see it on smart-tv and there won't be subtitles, but it's 56 episodes of great entertainment for free.
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