Star Trek: Voyager: In the Flesh (1998)
Season 5, Episode 4
Second contact is the way to go
3 January 2024
Voyager encounters an alien space station that emulates Starfleet headquarters in every detail. Chakotay infiltrates the installation to find out more about what is going on. Soon they find out, that species 8472 uses this compound to make themselves familiar with Starfleet and alpha quadrant species in order to launch a preemptive strike against the Federation headquarters on earth. They even altered their appearances genetically to look like humans, Vulcans, Boleans and other members of Starfleet.

After Chakotay has been uncovered amd taken hostage, Janeway suggests a diplomatic meeting with species 8472. And she wouldn't be Captain Diplomacy if she wouldn't succeed in convincing them, that the Federation is peaceful and doesn't seek to destroy them.

Considering the fact how hard diplomacy is among our human species already, it is all resolved too quickly in this episode. One meeting, an exchange of technology and intelligence and all are buddies afterwards.

Also, when they uncover Chakotay and interrogate him, they tell him his name, rank and species. He returns in telling them that he knows they are species 8472. Why don't they tell him their real name? Species 8472 is a Borg designation. Chakotay isn't referred as species 5618 either but as human.

And how comes, the species are able to even copy the voices of Boothby and the others by just having studied some information about Starfleet? They hardly have encountered humans directly before either, so they would have a hard time knowing about all tiny details like walking and acting as a human.
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