Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
No surprise
31 December 2023
Wow this ep we have about 7 minutes in TVA and over 30 minutes in Lamentis. The first 7 minutes really made me question: what year are we watching a show in? 2000s? Does every scene end in a fight? Like Blackwidow and a certain army of guards? And even though the purple planet changes color in the show, it's quite beautiful and has all kinds of CGI effects... but gradually things don't keep the strangeness for long enough. These things are all in Star Wars, viewers need something else, is this the planet where humans settled? Can humans breathe on this planet? Let us know! Viewers need a story that is compelling and full of surprises on an alien planet where humans or any other species has a historical mark, and at the center are the two characters Loki, full of negative emotions, intrigue and mutual suspicion, not a couple on their honeymoon. Remember Loki-Sylvie killed many time guards. Morally, viewers should feel the evil more clearly in her, no matter what her mission is. And Loki _ Tom still shines, but everything around him becomes more and more like an animated show.
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