Preston Haters Unite
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Leland Adams' portrayal of banker Preston Lodge III is even more despicable than his General Custer. Every hateful word out of his mouth needed to be punched back in. Sully should have let him die and saved the town a world of grief. The writers of this show have no idea who Michaela is, or they would never have had her stupidly endanger her own pregancy twice. Colleen allowed herself to be turned into a floor scrubbing skivvy. Where was Sully's wolf companion on that ludicrous trek into the wilderness with crystal goblets and silver candlesticks? Hank packed more cigars than sense, Robert E tolerated put downs, and Matthew should not try to impersonate a marshall Matt Dillon wannabe until he needs to shave. Good story, good acting, but not completely true to DQMW.
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