Fine Shaky A Western
30 December 2023
Skip Homeier is a young Texan with a temper. He and brother John Payne can't stay in one place for long before Homeier gets them in trouble. This time, he's in jail. Payne busts him out, and they asquatulate and part ways. Payne winds up in a town where he's working for ambitious businessman Ray Middleton, who has a pretty daughter who can cook in Mona Freeman. Along comes Homeier, who goes to work for the town's saloon owner and general no-goodnik Lee J Cobb. How long before the two brothers clash over money or jobs or Miss Freeman, and who will come out on top.

It's a very ahndsome shaky A western under the direction of the always reliable Joseph Kane. Kane doesn't waste much time in subtlety or subtext,but he does have his performers indulge in small business that lets you know he understands how to underline what's going on. Instead he tells his story, and it's a good one, performed by top actors.
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