Had potential. But a seriously lazy ending
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am really disappointed. What was well written and had a good plotline for the first 95 mins of the movie is ruined by lazy weird writing at the end. Great cinematography. Well written dialogue. But honestly what's with the ending? Let's go back to the beginning. A man is executed for murder. His wife is the movie's protagonist. She finds out he's unequivocally innocent (of course) and wants the court and the judges held accountable. The one judge who actually feels extremely bad about making the wrong decision, has extreme guilt. On the pretext he use to be friends with the dead man, he gives her money and sets her up in a decent apartment. He even uses his court connections to make sure she keeps custody of her daughter. Which is seriously nice work by him. But he never quite has the guts to tell her who he is. (although he almost does a couple of times). It's a cool plotline. And well filmed. So, when she finally finds out (through someone else) who he is, what does she do? Well, she poisons him of course and he dies gasping for air on her dining room floor. Seriously?? What was a proper sensible mature adult movie until this point ends in this ridiculously unrealistic way? I Felt so ripped off. Where did she get the poison? Would this nice woman really *Murder* someone?? Did she not realise it's all shades of grey and this man had been a huge help to her? That his execution-judgment was based on the evidence presented to him at the trial and that other judges came to the same decision? That the system is to blame, and even if he was personally to blame, somehow poisoning him was not the answer? That she really (if she was real and not a movie character) would never do this in a million years? What was subtle and nice and enjoyable for 95 minutes ends up being as subtle as a sledgehammer. Didn't even feel right. Let alone seem real within the disbelief suspended of the movie.
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