Decent Movie But Repeats itself Often
24 December 2023
Hostile Forces is an alright movie but has some shortfalls that prevent me from giving it a higher rating.

The voice acting is alright but things can feel of from time to time, but overall it's what's expected from a budget film.

The story doesn't really matter, or at least thats what it feels like. The story is simply there to provide an excuse to have a bunch of fighting and shooting sequences.

The action is alright but feels particularly forced in multiple times. This includes multiple instances where the characters would drop their gun either in the midst of the fight or intentionally to go first-to-fist. It feels like the only goal for the movie was to just make a bunch of fighting scenes regardless of if it made any sense.

Overall, if you're looking for a series of barely connected action sequences reusing the same tropes between multiple encounters then this movie is for you.
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