Stupid but weirdly enjoyable, classic trashy drama
23 December 2023
This was basically a hate watch for most of the viewing experience, but by the end I was all in for a second season. So despite the people who made this making some the wackiest decisions ever, I applaud them for subverting my expectations for the main characters by the end, and making me feel invested.

Casting - completely nonsensical. Siblings that look wildly different, some look the same age as their mother, totally unexplained how a woman can have 9 kids and also 2 university degrees whilst looking 40, we were laughing about it throughout the whole show because it was so ridiculous! Like fully thought they would all turn out to be adopted as the big twist, it was so bad!

Story - could not care less about most of the secondary characters but quite liked a few of them. Most of the side plots felt like wasted time, and there were too many (and some of the acting was pretty flat). The main romantic story was full of toxic tropes but actually redeemed itself a bit - my initial "nice guy" I genuinely hated by the end, and the "bad guy" who I hated at the start I really came to feel for by the end. Like obviously a classic trope but it got me! Main character was fairly bland but likeable enough.

Elephant in the room - The main thing that bothered me throughout is that a teenage girl who's been though a really traumatic event is put into this chaotic environment and pursued by what are essentially like her brothers in this situation - I wish the family had actually looked after her (instead of just saying they did) because in real life this would be a worrying situation for a young vulnerable girl. But, it's just a story and in the end she does sort of save herself.

So, I would recommend this show only if you have a buddy to watch with, because there will be parts where you will be ripping your hair out and need someone to laugh about it with. It's totally ridiculous, but pretty entertaining.
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