Review of Baumlöwen

Baumlöwen (2018 Video)
Misleading title & waste of time. Cameraman mire interested in his own fame than filming lions
22 December 2023
This "film" is what one expects for " behind scenes clips". It's also fictional & complete waste of time. Viewer never gets any answers, incl title. I agree with the other 1 star review.

This camera dude has ZERO knowledge of lions yet he goes & tries to film them by doing everything wrong, endangering the entire pride,& ultimately FAILS to film them in any worth while manner.

One sees more of HIM on screen than lions. Filmed in 2018, he chooses to stupidly use bright lighting at night, not night vision cameras. He barely uses his drone, & buzzes it 1 foot from lion's face who is resting high up in tree. Would you like big buzzing drone circling your head for a long time while trying to rest in branch 20 feet high?

1/2 of entire film is about finding & treating 1 lioness neck, ear & eye severe deep snare injuries. These African snares are placed in millions all over Africa daily for free "bush meat" to sell / eat. That's NOT in film but it IS FACT since yr 2000. Here, Other experts find injured lioness & treat her while he watches, NOT FILMS.

Meanwhile, this rookie cameraman FAILS to show the lionesses severe snare wounds - something ALL PPL including children should see bc this IS what ALL African wildlife must now endure, from elephants who've lost their trunks & cannot drink, to cheetahs, leopards, rhinos, & Wild Cape Dogs who get horribly caught daily in these inhumane barbed wire snares.

Again, Not in this film, 1 wild female Cape dog died bc the snare ripped off her skin, spine, & 1/2 of her back body. Cape dogs run 40 to 50 mph, & human guards cannot keep up. Lethally wounded Cape dog had cubs, her K9 sister stayed with her until she died from horrific wounds. There was nothing the packs' assigned rangers could do except watch her die next to her loving sibling. Again, NOT in this film but VIP TO SEE THE SUFFERING WILDLIFE endures even with devoted armed escort rangers.

My point IS SHOW the deep snare wounds of the lioness to EDUCATE ppl. There's NO blood since she bled out for 4 days already.

As ppl push out wildlife globally, ppl need to see the real problems to solve.

Africans, esp those residing on national parks, know how to make these snares & place them literally in every wildlife /game park. Here, lioness was just walking when she stepped on the hidden trigger causing barbed wire snare to snap up around her neck & face, At the end of THIS WASTE of time, the ignorant cameraman said the lioness "is going to be OK because she's eating." That shows the depth of his total LACK of knowledge of any big cat.

10 minutes after getting most basic aid ((antibiotic ointment) does NOT mean 2 inch deep circular gash that nearly cut off her ear, gashed her eye & 3/4 of her neck = full recovery.

Since her eye is cut badly, she's likely blind in that eye & may not be able to hunt by herself or with pride. No one checked her injured eye.. Only the healthiest lions survive on this increasing human planet where ppl remove lions' prey, add 2 YRS DRY SEASON common now due to climate change, resulting only the hardiest toughest survive, not injured or lightly disabled.

Top predators have to work very hard to survive BEFORE 1980s. Now in 2023, or film's time 2018, it's FAR WORSE.


Nat Geo should be embarrassed to have funded/ bought it.

Watch better docs with devoted big cat experts who actually KNOW many facts of wildlife being filmed bc they've spent decades IN THE FIELD & collaborations with other experts before making a film.

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