Black Saddle: Client: Travers (1959)
Season 1, Episode 1
Client: Travers
21 December 2023
Gunfighter Clay Culhane has hung up his gun and become a lawyer. He arrives in the deserted town of Latigo in New Mexico to meet his first client.

She is Nora Travers who owns guest house and looks after her elderly infirm father. She is in a dispute with Hannibal Pardee.

He is a corrupt rancher whose bullying ways is holding the town back from growing. Pardee has brought up many of the properties. Angry after the death of his son and no one in the town would name the person who killed him.

Now Pardee wants to buy up Nora's land no matter what. Attempting to keep the peace is Marshall Gib Scott who is wary of Clay's reputation. He does not believe that Clay has swapped the bullet for legal textbooks.

The Marshall also wants out of Latigo, he does not want to be Pardee's lackey. With Clay Culhane, he might see a way to take Pardee and his cronies out of the picture.

The first episode very much sets up a love triangle between Clay, Nora Travers and the Marshall. The two men would vie for her affections. In return both men will have an uneasy relationship.
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