Not a perfect film at all.
21 December 2023
A Perfect Christmas/Pairing (2023) -

This was yet another tale of a small town girl returning home from the big city to save a restaurant/cafe/vineyard? It was unclear to start with.

Chris Connell was a bit smarmy in his role of Asher and a big head character to boot. His dodgy hair didn't help either.

Ansley Gordon, as Grace, was fine and with a more convincing story and opposite lead might have done well, but she really wasn't supported by the production values the lacklustre script and less abled supporting actors.

The Uncle (Carlos Harrison) and Aunty (Kelly Ryan) were a bit much, but not as over the top as the realtor Rita (Gowrie Hayden) who was a vile character anyway.

I couldn't understand how Felicity (Meg Biddle Smith) was a friend of Grace's, but she didn't know her brother Asher or about their family. And there were other bits that just didn't connect as well.

As such it was all just a bit lame, so after a while I had to give up on it. Another time I might have given it more of an opportunity and wrapped some presents whilst watching it, so it wasn't a complete waste of time, but on this occasion I had a mass of other films requiring my attention that might bring me more joy, so it went off after about 30 minutes.

Unscored as Unfinished.
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