Review of Claws Out

Midsomer Murders: Claws Out (2023)
Season 24, Episode 3
Another fine episode!
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 24th season of "Midsomer Murders" has not been very strong. Wasn't that impressed with "The Devil's Work", "The Book of the Dead" was not great either. This episode, "Claws Out" is the best of the season so far, but it is still nothing to write home about.

Let's start with the good aspects.

. The production values of the episode are great. The music fits the scenery and "Claws Out" is well-directed. Out of the solid guest stars Josette Simon does very well.

. The murders are clever and did like the pet detective theme. There are relatable themes touched upon and some well-written characters (Lorna being one of them).


. The story is not always very easy to follow, at times there's too much going on and some characters feel underused (William Fleming for instance).

. The solution as well felt rushed and a bit more explaining for it to fully work.

Overall, a fine episode.

6/10 HK.
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