The Vulture (1966)
Cornwall to Windsor, a spot of ballet, and back again.
19 December 2023
The Vulture is a rather tedious movie for the most part, with lots of talk and very little action, but the basic premise is so supremely daft that it results in one or two priceless moments of unintentional hilarity that no fan of bad horror movies will be able to resist.

The film opens in Cornwall, as teacher Ellen West (Annette Carell) takes a late night walk home through a reputedly haunted churchyard; her stroll is interrupted by something monstrous emerging from a grave and flying away, leaving the teacher in a state of severe shock. After hearing about the incident, and doing some investigative work, American nuclear scientist Eric Lutens (Robert Hutton) concocts a crazy theory involving a centuries old Spaniard, a box of treasure, a bird of prey, and an experiment involving 'nuclear transmutation' which he believes has resulted in a half-man/half-vulture creature. The police aren't convinced, but it turns out he's on the money, and the vulture is intent on revenge, targeting the family of Eric's wife Trudy (Diane Clare).

After the well-executed opening scene in the churchyard, The Vulture settles into monotony for quite some time, as writer/director Lawrence Huntington fleshes out his silly story, providing exposition about his creature and the reason for its grudge, as well as introducing an obvious red herring in the form of Melcher (Edward Caddick), a crazy albino sexton. It should be blatantly obvious who the real culprit is: antiquarian Prof. Hans Koniglich (Akim Tamiroff), who is the only other option once Melchor has been discounted -- he walks with the help of two canes, wears a large cape (perfect for concealing wings and feathers), and he's German!

No doubt due to budgetary limitations, there is very little of the actual vulture in the film, but what we do get is pure comedy gold, as a large pair of ridiculous looking talons drop into frame, grabbing hold of its victims shoulders to carry them away to its lair. Also rather amusing is the fact that the film would have us believe that Windsor is on the doorstep of Cornwall, Eric and Trudy repeatedly making the five hour journey in a matter of minutes.

3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
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