The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Not perfect, but close.
18 December 2023
The authenticity is astounding. The sets, costumes, scenery are amazing. Too many historical dramas put most of the action inside, so they are filmed in a studio. Not here. I didn't feel once I was looking at a studio soundstage. Many, if not most, scenes were filmed outdoors. The transition from period names for cities to modern names in every episode is also a nice touch.

The producers also notably resisted the recent fad of adding black, Asian or other diversity ethnicities in a historical setting where they don't belong, so that adds to the authentic look. They did add one such character in the last season, although he doesn't have a large role. I have a feeling the studio added him to squelch complaints.

So why not a perfect 10? I took off a point because the main protagonist, Uthred, played by Alexander Dreymon, is simply unlikeable. It's not the actor's fault, it's the character. He's a Mary Sue that never loses a fight, never loses a bet, never fails a mission, always gives the correct counsel, everyone who disagrees with him turns out to be wrong in the end, every woman he fancies falls in love with him, etc. He also never ages. Someone calculated his age would have to be at least 60 by the end of the series. While people grow up and grow old around him, he still looks like he's in his 20s.

I think the show is also slightly unrealistic in regard to battles. If they happened as often and were as deadly as depicted with a single soldier slaughtering dozens in seconds, the island would quickly be depopulated of all life. But that's a small complaint. They were probably exaggerated for dramatic effect.

Overall highly recommended.
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