An Eye-opening Documentary
17 December 2023
I am not American. I am European and, unfortunately, this is spreading overseas too. I am a woman. The true definition of a woman, and that is one of the reasons why I always had this same question when I was taught about the existence of trans people. My older sister always taught me everything about being an open minded person to difference, whether it is religion, culture, skin color, sexual orientation, etc. She also taught me to be accepting of trans people. But that was the only thing I couldn't understand. We hear a lot that some people don't understand homosexuals, so I thought that was what was happening to me, but in relation to trans people. But then I started asking this questions as well. I asked my sister, and she answered: "I don't know". She also said that it wasn't that big of a deal, it didnt't hurt us in anyway and also it would make trans people happier, so why not? And I accepted that answer, until about two years ago. Now I am 18. I start to question things even more than before. I was always a good student and, as everyone knows, one of the main characteristics of a good student is being curious and asking yourself "why". So this question entered my mind once again. But this time, this question was surrounded by all the prejudice that people have against this question. I am a loving person, and I accept everyone, but I really can't accept something that I don't comprehend. As long as people give me a well founded definition of woman that can explain why people "feel" like they are born in the wrong body, I will never be able to understand it. And it also feels like forcing me to use someone's preferred pronouns makes me want to use them even less, because it's threatening my liberty and freedom of speech, as well as my freedom of thought, of asking why.

But this documentary goes beyond that. I thought it would be mostly about freedom of speech, but in reality it focus also on the health of this transgender people, and I got to learn so much more things that make all of this collective craze even worse.

I just hope that there is a turn back on this. I hope that people understand how crazy all of this is and how dangerous it might be as well, since no one seems to care (or is not informed) about that.

Truly an amazing documentary, 100% worth the watch and worth sharing with other people, even if you fear their reactions.
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