Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014)
Season 2, Episode 4
Horrible, But Amazing
16 December 2023
This movie (and yes, this is basically just a movie) is awful to watch. Its tragic, its existential, and it makes you feel like a wreck. It is everything you dont want in a christmas movie. But my God, its so good. The acting, the story, the characters, the twists. And the ending might be one of the greatest thing I have ever seen. Period. Setting it during christmas is such a wonderful litterary element that enhances the story in ways that is difficult to state. When I originally watched it I fel tlike the second ha,f was a lot slower and less interesting than the first. But on a recent rewatch, the entire thign was reveresed, and I concider it an improvement over the first half. Its pretty much flawless and a much watch if you like tragedies.
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