Finding meaning in life when the end is nigh
16 December 2023
The world is going to end in 6 months due to a small planet crashing into earth. How to proceed? Most people start living every day as if it's their last; they travel the world, run around naked, skydive and learn French, eat whatever they like and screw whoever they want. Meanwhile Carol is trying to pay off her debt with a bank that's not even in business anymore. She doesn't know what to do. We follow Carol as she tries to cope with the lack of meaning in her life.

The show is episodic, mysterious, dry, sarcastic, humorous, emotional. It reminded me of Bojack Horseman in the surreal depiction of real life problems like depression and coping mechanisms.

Maybe it's me. Like Carol, I'm 42, single, childless and don't know how to find the meaning in life or how to enjoy it, while it so often feels that the apocalypse is around the corner. Not a planet about to crash into earth, but climate change, wars, pandemics. So needless to say, I found Carol & The End of the World very relatable.

I'm certain the show is not for everyone. This is not really a review. Rather the void I'm filling after binge watching the whole show. Watch it, don't watch it. I'm sure some will stop after 1 or 2 episodes and some, like me, will enjoy it while crying at least once every episode. I'm sure it will find it's audience. 9/10.
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