Review of The Mission

The Mission (2023)
Horribly Boring AND SLOW Documentary
15 December 2023
Years ago I aptly proclaimed that I was/am, and aptly gave myself the title of a, 'Documentary Nerd.' I honestly cannot think of a documentary that I've absolutely hated, nor have I ever not finished a documentary in its entirety...until this one! And my thoughts, feelings, rating, and review of this documentary have absolutely nothing to do with any religious, nor societal/sociological "right or wrong" points of view. They are, and it is, just what it is: This documentary was horribly boring and slow! Painfully so! I've sat in college trigonometry based physics lectures (as a NON-SCIENCE major!) after working a 12.5 hour overnight/night shift that held my attention more than this documentary (and that is saying A LOT!). Dull! Dry! Boring! And the information that was presented in it was so haphazardly thrown together and strewn about it was unbelievable! Adding to that, the director of the documentary couldn't seem to decide just what direction he wanted to go with this documentary, the underlying feeling that he was trying to achieve (ie. Touchy feely, or factually based). I sought high and low for this documentary after learning about it, hoping that it just happened to be including on one of my many streaming subscriptions and I was so excited when I found it on one of them that I instantly started watching it (or trying to watch it rather). Only to be horribly dismayed at how such an interesting story with so, so, so much documentary, and even feature film, potential was handled with such callous ineptitude and thus was subsequently destroyed.
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