10 December 2023
When seen today, the appeal of Baby Sandy back in the day is quite confusing. After all, the child is just a child and her talents are underwhelming at best. Still, back in the late 30s and into the 40s, she had a brief and successful career. One of the child's last films was "Bachelor Daddy"...an insufferable film which is hard to like.

The story doesn't make a lot of sense....but here goes. Sandy's mother is in legal trouble and instead of telling the judge she has a baby at home, she gets the bright idea of sending a note to Mr. Smith at a bachelor's apartment asking him to take care of the child. But there are three Smiths and the trio don't call the police but care for the child. A bit later, the mother arranges for her release and moves in to the bachelor apartment with these three bachelors and becomes the nanny to her own child.

During the course of the film, you have lots of yelling and scenes with Baby Sandy pulling levers, pushing buttons, stealing candy and the like...but no real acting. This combined with some VERY annoying scenes (such as the movie theater and the elevator) make for a film which has little plot or acting and just a lot of adults running about trying to catch the brat. Not a fun film in any way despite the presence of some fine character actors such as Edward Everett Horton and Franklin Pangborn.

By the way, this film seems to be the inspiration for the 80s hit "Three Men and a Baby".
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