The Shield: Enemy of Good (2006)
Season 5, Episode 2
amazing episode, imdb ratings are so inaccurate
9 December 2023
You know the episode is fire when your dad says "that was a good one" once the credits roll. This season literally built itself up from scratch, not using a cliffhanger from last season to start intensely, and is already opening up with a t10 episode of the show TWO episodes in.

It's so genuinely incredible how having one amazing overall focus, being kavanaugh's dialogue with lem, adds such a concrete structure and flow to the rest of the side-plots. Everything just has such a straightforward direction, everything feels so focused like. What would have felt like filler evolves into a case i was interested in, strike team action that was enjoyable, and more development to julien and tina's dynamic that i actually wanted to see.


kavanaugh is really allowing, probably the most interesting character of the show, lem to shine. The few character-driven scenes in the first four seasons would so often be focused on lem because his inner-moral-conflict is just so consistently strong. I have been waiting to see it get drawn out, it has just always had so much potential, so seeing it get utilized in such an upfront way was so satisfying. He's now gone from a character with complexity buried in him to a character whose whole focus is his complexity, and his actor ABSOLUTELY nails it. That last scene was such a proper and well-thought out confrontation, i left that scene feeling so rewarded and awestruck and like WOW oh my god. GREAT episode this is such a strong start.

SERIALZD: shaww.
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