Mercy Road (2023)
Well made
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After committing an impulsive, vicious crime while searching for his missing daughter, Tom (Luke Bracey) goes on the run from law enforcement. He's trapped in his truck, trying desperately to reach his daughter Ruby (Martha Kate Morgan), dealing with calls from his ex Terri (Alex Malone), having hostage negotiators call and most frightening, talking to The Associate (Toby Jones), a man who asks him how far he'll go to save his child.

Directed by John Curran, who wrote this with Jesse Heffring and Christopher Lee Pelletier, this film asks a lot of Bracey who more than overdelivers. He's the only character on screen for so much of this and we're trapped inside the same space that he is.

Shot on a virtual set, we never really see much of what exists outside the inside of the truck. And that's perfect. When so many movies give everything away, this is one that remains ambiguous, even at times frustratingly so. Yet I see any limitations as positives, as this feels like an experiment and a director and lead trying to do something different. A man is falling to pieces and he can't stop driving, trying to fix things that can't be fixed. Now that's a movie.
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