Here's Lucy: Lucy and the Drum Contest (1970)
Season 3, Episode 4
Another Dud Episode in Season 3
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lucy goes backstage to persuade Buddy Rich to give Craig some private drum lessons so he will be able to win a thousand dollars in a scholarship contest.

This is the second terrible episode in a row where Lucy selfishly imposes on a celebrity. Then the script uses the old "grabbed-the-wrong-bag" trope not once, but twice, to make Buddy show up at the Carters so Craig can show off his skills on the skins.

The ending is more sentimental than normal for this series, with Craig throwing the contest so a less fortunate contestant can go home having won the scholarship.

The best thing that can be said is that the director uses some unusual shots during Buddy's performance at the nightclub.
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