Castaway Diva (2023)
I called it in my review of Episode #10
3 December 2023
There I said I didn't like the direction the show was taking, and it was getting bogged down in standard K Drama tropes such as "we have to go our separate ways, you/me are holding me/you back", among others. And then, to close the show out, it would give the fans about 7 minutes of singing.

Well, I pretty much nailed it. Though I don't think we got the full 7 minutes.

It is unfortunate that this show decided to be more about the legal system, domestic abuse, and contract issues, rather than the development of the lead character as she "learns" the business and works her way up. Instead, we get a constant barrage of side stories and tragedies that distract from why most of us came to see Park Eun-Bin rock in all her glory.

Again, unfortunately, she takes a back seat to a lot of unnecessary situations and shenanigans (for instance, the love triangle that isn't a love triangle that could be a love triangle that doesn't want to be a love triangle that ends up being...what? I don't know WTH it ends up being). And then there is the sheer stupidity of someone caught on tape committing attempted murder being deposed and investigated but allowed to remain free despite being a clear and present danger to those around him. I live in Korea, and this gentleman would have been locked up in pre-trial confinement on day #1. But we had to have him inexplicably out, roaming free, wreaking havoc, simply because....again, why? To add a "horror" component to a show that should have been an underdog story about overcoming adversity, filled with the "feels" and music. Just another example of a limited series trying to do too much and be too many things without sticking to its core message.

I give it 7 stars because of the acting, which is phenomenal across the board. And the songs, though few and far between, are enjoyable as well.
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