The Muppet Show: Dyan Cannon (1980)
Season 4, Episode 4
Disgusted 10-10
3 December 2023
Dyan was more of a leach than than a leech. She was a spiteful child who manipulated and used her own child to heap hurt upon an already wounded person. Shame on her. No one is perfect, but to use a child as a pawn in order to snare a mate is disgusting. She should be written up in the Hollywood hall of DIS famed and dysfunctional. How she claimed her family was so wonderful is absurd. When did Cary grant ever meet her so called wonderful parents? She was a lying grifter. I feel sorry for Jennifer having that as a mother. Archie's mother was a peice of work. His father was even worse than the devil himself. I like Eric rho. It's a shame Dyan thought more of herself than she did of cary and an even greater shame she thought so little of her own daughter. Any parent who deprives a child love without good reason, needs to realise they are sinful.
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