A new LACOMBE LUCIEN like scheme
1 December 2023
If you loved LACOMBE LUCIEN, the Louis Malle's masterpiece from 1973, you should also enjoy this one, directed by the French Samuel Fuller - José Giovanni. I say Samuel Fuller because Giovanni was a writer, novelist, who adapted many of his own books: L'Excommunie, UN NOMME LA ROCCA and LA SCOUMOUNE; Histoire de Fou, LE GITAN.; Les Ruffians, LES RUFFIANS, Mon Ami le Traitre, MON AMI LE TRAITRE; Les Loups Entre Eux, LES LOUPS ENTRE EUX; Il Avait dans le Coeur des Jardins Introuvables, IL AVAIT DANS LE COEUR DES JARDINS INTROUVABLES...Samuel Fuller was nearly the same, concerning SHOCK CORRIDOR, DEAD PIDGEON ON BEETHOVEN STREET and THE BIG RED ONE. Besides this Giovanni and Fuller were not the same kind of guys...That said this movie proposes an intersting story which can remind LACOMBE LUCIEN, but without the very same scheme. The lead character is anything but a true hero, and precisely for this reason it is very interesting, worth to watch. It shows something rarely seen before. Thierry Frémont is awesome here, in this so ambivalent role.
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