St. Elsewhere: Down and Out on Beacon Hill (1988)
Season 6, Episode 16
A Very Dark Episode
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the series is winding down it is getting quite downbeat - and it doesn't involve Morrison for once. Lucy loses the baby and Erlich's attitude is "oh well." He cannot even comfort his wife, running off to rounds and then whining to Morrison about not being ready to be a dad. I don't understand why the writers wasted so much time on this idiot of a character.

There was a story line with a punk couple and the girl has cystic fibrosis and doesn't care if she dies. Her boyfriend is played by Pauley Shore so I don't blame her.

Helen Rosenthal acts more erratic, moody and pops pills. Her family and Auchlander hold an intervention and send her off to rehab.

Mark continues his fall downward. He is barred from practicing at the hospital while the lawsuit is pending. The lamb with the artificial heart is dead and Victor morbidly made seat covers out of Flash. Mark gives up his house in the divorce, and gets mugged while walking to the Ivy Club, ending up at a homeless shelter wondering where it all went wrong. I kinda feel sorry for him even though he's a pompous ass.

Seems there is trouble in divorcee land. Ellen was mad at Gideon for locking Mark out of his office. She definitely seems to have a type: egotistical doctors. When is she kicking Gideon to the curb and ending this farce of a relationship. Doesn't she know Gideon is a bad dude? Hasn't she seen Robocop yet?

There was another storyline with Chandler and and the first year residents, but I tuned out. If only the writers knew then that they had Denzel in the ensemble, they might've written some better storylines for him.

I hope things get sunnier in Boston next episode!
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