My Happy Marriage (2023– )
Almost a Perfect Refresher
29 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I normally don't like anime, but this is such a fantastic change of pace for your typical anime-isms, and one of the best English dubs out there.

The good:

  • 99% of characters have the most soothing voices, complete with subtle expressive tones, with a fair share of more dynamic emotions when it's due.

  • the story is gentle, sweet, and cathartic. It didn't exactly make me sob at any point, but I don't think it needed to. It's just a plotline that resolves in smaller steps until everything settles in the finale.

  • very nice foley and sound design. There was some great music, too, both mixing contemporary and traditional instruments.

  • even some the "bad" characters feel very organic. Miyo's half sister, for example, is spoiled, pretentious, and vindictive. Part of that is because she was raised that way, so you can sympathize with her since she doesn't really know any better. The only part where she becomes irredeemable is when she snaps and fully gives in to the role she knows is evil.

  • Miyo and Kudo's relationship develops beautifully in both small and big strides, then some setbacks, then compromise. They are a wonderful example of a healthy couple. They disagree, but they never resort to fighting with insults, rage, neglect, or pettiness. They recognize mistakes and correct it. They learn different kinds of trust. They stick up for each other.

The not so great:

  • one character is a menace to your sensibilities. You'll know who it is. He's overbearing, obnoxious, and had no reason to be a recurring presence.

  • there was so much lore that barely had any room to be explored. Twelve episodes is way too short for a plotline that involves interweaving generations and a complex magic system.

  • the magic in this show played an extremely important role, but was treated as an afterthought. Episode one had zero mention of it. It just kind of hits you in the face when a military group lines up, but when you expect them to practice with firearms, suddenly there's just a giant fireball in the air. The magic is also never really given a solid explanation. What's Kudo's specific power? Couldn't tell you. Sometimes he shoots fire, sometimes he electrocutes things. What about the cousin? I guess he can duplicate and teleport people.

  • there's a really serious scene towards the end where Miyo's cousin is explaining her uncertain future, and why they had to take extreme measures to help her. Then all of the sudden this entire moment is ruined when their grandfather-- who has thus far been the most serious, grim, mature character -- randomly slaps his grandson in the butt. Then grandpa says, "Just kidding, I change my mind, go do whatever you want with your crazy magic and have fun!"
  • some of the art is confusingly weird. The characters can go a bit off-model at times with some interesting proportion choices. Like when they drew Miyo to suddenly have a head twice as big as the housekeeper's. Or when Miyo had two flowers that were attached to the sides of her head, but when you look at her directly, the flowers have defied gravity and decide to kind of float there.

The downright infuriating:

  • the art is gorgeous, yes. But for some reason, every character has this unexplained halo in the top portion of their hair. And even more inexplicably, half of them are just random colors. It's not the highlights, either. Those function separately. They just literally have a circle of green or pink on the top of their heads and it's so weird and doesn't look good at all. Once you notice it, you can't escape it, because it's on every. Single. Person.

  • the major plot points were never given proper attention. Miyo turns out to have the "dream ability." They say it's the most powerful of all magic because you can use it to literally brainwash people to do whatever you want. And what do they do with this power? Nothing. Miyo uses it a whopping one time in the very end of the very last episode. The whole show was building up to this point, only for it to just be underwhelming.

  • I wish this show was the standard twenty-six episodes. There was so much beauty and wonder in this world that took a backseat to redundant monologues. There would be two or three scenes in a row that would all tell you the exact same thing but only barely add something new.

  • what was the point of the emperor? They were making it out as if he had this dark scheme that he needed Miyo's power for. But we literally see the emperor twice. Everyone just says "I've got a weird feeling about that guy," but then nothing actually happens. Even the princess is scratching her head wondering what he's up to, but then just kind of shrugs it off. The important story elements were given pats on the head, while the less important elements were given hugs and kisses.

All in all, this is a great series to fall asleep to, or just have in the background while you fold laundry. But if substance is what you want, take it with a grain of salt, and fill in your own blanks.
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