Historically inaccurate and an obvious hit piece
29 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It starts by saying rome was the only church with an apostle at its head. That's terribly inaccurate. There were at least 2 other apostles that were heads of churches. Peter just had supremacy. They talk about constatine as well but fail to mention that the council was called do to all the heretical sects in the church. Geretical sects that were not killed but debated as the show would like you to believe. They talk alot about the corruption of the church and goes through it's bad popes but skips the first few centuries of popes that died for their faith. It doesn't once talk about the good the church has done for the word but instead hits the easy targets of Pope Urban II and Pope Alexander VI. Historical inaccurate and an obvious hit piece.

It also talks about selling indulgences but doesn't undertstand what they are. Indulgences were never sold. Donations to the the construction of churches was called an indulgence. It does not get you out of purgatory. These are all wrong interpretations of of the doctrine. Martin luther believed an indulgences but took issue with what he perceived to be selling but in reality was donation.
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