Horrible movie, childhood memories, don't watch except for nostalgia
27 November 2023
This is one of those movies that I watched over and over as a kid, I'm honestly surprised the tape didn't break. I'm sure it drove my parents mad how often I watched, Christmas season or not. It was a fun memory to rewatch it, remembering what my favorite parts were and thinking about why I might've loved a dog in a Christmas ornament so much.

HOWEVER, if you didn't watch this as a child and aren't interested in a walk down memory lane, there's no good reason to watch this horrible movie. Kids love trash movies all the time and this was mine. Just truly garbage beginning to end. Honestly the only stars are because of the warm fuzzies the memories gave me. But don't go trying to show your kids this. Either they won't care and will roast you for your horrible taste or, even worse, they'll actually like it and now you'll be stuck living with kids rewatching it over and over like my poor parents had to.
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