Blue Eye Samurai: The Great Fire of 1657 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
WTF!!!! you were doing so well!
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
7 Episodes (go see what I rated them) 8s and 9s. They seemed to have a solid grasp on Japanese life and culture of the period and while they took some liberties with dialogue for us westerners, it was pretty solid till the end.

First, this was the Season finaly and while they did close ONE plot line (the overthrowing of the Shogun) it was such a small subplot that it had zero impact on us viewers. You never know if you are going to get a 2nd season, even if they say you are, so I always prefered it when Shows would end a season on a High note. I also figured, with her hunting 4 people they would do one per season, and she could have closure with each but NOOOO.

So the season ends with thise wessel worming his way out of a death sentense at the hands of Mizo, and gets a trip off of Japan to London. This is where I have serious problems. There is NO way the Samuri let this man live, let alone Leave the country after his coup attemp and murdering the Shogun with no honor. She is not going to be able to sneak him out and she is 'frankly' too small and weak to Force him onto a boat without help so I am just not buying the end of this story. This is why they had to just show him already on the ship to London because if they tried to explain HOW she sneaks him out, no one would believe it. Also nothing good happenes for ANY of the other protagonists, they are all in just as bad or worse of a situation then when they started, so this was a completely unhappy ending for everyone.
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