I had a hard time caring about Victor and his plight...which is tough considering it's THE theme of the film!
25 November 2023
"The Virtuous Sin" is set during WWI in imperial Russia. A scientist working on some formula has just been drafted into the army. While he is right that working on his formula is more important than being in the army, Victor is an idiot. He's insubordinate and makes VERY bad choices. In the end, General Platoff (Walter Huston) is so infuriated at Victor that he orders him to be placed under arrest! Soon, he's sentenced to death for insubordination...something he really did seem to bring upon himself.

As for Victor's soon to be widow, Marya (Kay Francis), she learns what has happened and vows to help Victor. But her attempts to appeal the case are ignored so she comes up with another idea...to vamp the general and get him to do her bidding...even if that might mean sleeping with him to save her husband. What's next?

There were two problems with the story that kept it from being better. First, it felt very tough to feel sorry for Victor. He was an idiot and it's difficult to care about his plight. Second, the story is a bit old fashioned and stodgy...the sort that soon would go out of style. As far as Huston and Francis goes, they seemed to try hard to make it a good film but the script was schmaltzy and forgettable.
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