Review of Poison Pen

Poison Pen (1939)
Time to write some letters
24 November 2023
Who is writing 'poison pen' letters to residents of a quaint, small village in the English countryside. It has to be someone immersed in village life as there seem to be detailed accusations across a wide spread of the local population. This leads to a crowd mentality trying to solve the mystery as well as friction between couples and a couple of tragic episodes.

I guessed who it was pretty quickly. If you are familiar with the cast, you might also get there. It's a British film, and whilst not, thankfully, completely in that tedious comedy oom-pah-pah music genre, it does drag a little until the ending section which is quite memorable.

Ann Todd (Ann) plays a naïve young teenager and her diction is terrible. She puts on a terrible upper-class British accent which nobody speaks in - not even the Queen - and she just sounds comically stupid. For a couple of better films with her, check out "So Evil My Love" and "Daybreak" both from 1948. So, she improved as her career progressed. Reginald Tate and Flora Robson (Mary) are both ok in the main 2 roles as the Vicar and his sister. The film should have been more interesting and we needed the tension to be cranked up by factor 10.

After watching this film, I've had an idea. I've just found some Basildon Bond writing paper and my neighbours are pissing me off a bit. I know what I'll do......
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