Star Wars: The Force Awakens, would have been one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time if it hadn't been a sequel to even better sci-fi movies.
24 November 2023
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, would have been one of the greatest sci-if movies of all time if it hadn't been a sequel to even better si-fi movies.

It's hard to imagine there was a 15 year gap without live-action Star Wars in an era where we have a new Star Wars live-action series every few months. But that's exactly what happened, and this was the movie that ended the wait. It's been nearly ten years now since I watched this movie in theaters as a child, and I loved it. It was actually the first Star Wars movie I ever saw. And watching it now fills me with good memories. But I'm also not distracted by the flashiness now and I can see the movie for what it is. It's good, it's just not great.

The plot is something we've never seen before in Star Wars. Three heroes, Rey, Poe, and Finn, rise to the First Order, which has risen in the ashes of the empire. Oh wait, that's the same plot as the first movie. It's unique enough that you don't notice that it's a clone until the movies over and you really think about it.

Director J. J. Abrams makes a good movie, but I feel like the real director was Disney. Cinematography is good, but nothing special. The acting is good, but nothing special. The score is as good as the original movie though, probably because it was composed by the same man, and contained the same main theme. No doubt one of the greatest and most iconic themes of all time.

To me, this movie is a paradox. By itself this movie is one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made. It's good, you should definitely watched if you've seen all previous Star Wars films. But the issue is that it has the task of succeeding possibly the greatest sci-fi franchise of all time. And it fails at that. The script is basically copy and pasted from the original move, with different character names and planets. Lesson for Disney, who bought the rights for Star Wars from creator George Lucas and threw his recommendations for this movie out the window: sometime you have to take a risk in a movie. After all, that's what made the originals so great.
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