Day of The Living Mall Killed Any hope The Series Had
23 November 2023
For every BoJack Horseman or F is For Family, there are like 500 Ren and Stimpy clones. And this show is no exception. The show is basically what would happen if you took the art-style and jerk characters of Ren and Stimpy, incredibly offensive and disgusting "jokes", every Disney Kidcom cliche in the book, and mashed them all together. Rudy is supposed to be a "likable jerk" ala Ren Hoek, but he's the worst character in the show for how obnoxious and cruel he is. Candi Milo and Hynden Walch are on this show; they can star amazing things like My Life as A Teenage Robot, Teen Titans Go, CTR, and Tiny Toons Looniversity, but this show proves that they aren't perfect. To be fair though, The potential this show had was before 2004. People who actually want to make something good should treat everyone like adults, not treat everyone like toddlers and preschoolers whatsoever.

Overall, avoid this show. Watch Jimmy Two Shoes, Hilda, Danger Mouse 2015, Mr. Bean: The Animated Series, Chuck's Choice, or Bee and Puppycat instead.
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