Imagine a Bigfoot-hunting themed high-quality porn, but without the porn.
22 November 2023
As a Bigfoot fan, I have set a relatively low bar for films on the topic. Although there are some decent productions, the majority are at best mediocre. As much as I wanted to like this movie, it falls short of that average threshold. Overall this film is quite rough and amateurish. To be honest, the film was a couple of notches above the storyline portion of your average porn flick, but without the payoff of course.

Was this film low budget? Yes (well at least I hope so). Nonetheless, I have seen many low-budget films that out-delivered this movie. On the positive side, there were a few scenes with stunning cinematography. The actual story itself wasn't great, but it had potential to be enjoyable. Even with some predictability and the plot being driven by poor-decision making, it still could have worked. The rest was, however, significantly lacking. The acting was stiff, and the script didn't help. Consequently, it was difficult to emotionally connect with any of the characters. The special effects were bad. The camera work, lighting, audio, soundtrack, etc. Were mostly below average. Props were naturally low-budget, which I can deal with. However the Bigfoot costume-a gorilla suit featuring a plastic face with no facial movement-buried the movie for me. No amount of lighting or shaky camera can fix that.
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